Preview some recent projects I’ve worked on. Reach out if you’d like to learn more about some of them!

Coming Soon for Leaders:

Developing Your Leadership Pipeline

Sustaining Practices For A Strong School Culture

Coming Soon for Whole Staff:

Academic Acceleration Through Reading Intervention

Here are samples of two professional development sessions I created for my partner schools’ needs. I created and lead a workshop on Special Education best practices and how to use error analysis to drive results in a classroom. I create high quality development sessions to fit my partnerships’ unique needs.

Here is our meeting template that is used for managers or school leadership team members. You can also see an infographic I made to accompany a professional development sessions focused on internalization meetings with teachers. It’s important to us that you and your team walk away with tools that can be implemented right away.

Each professional development I create is accompanied by an engaging powerpoint slide and interactive handout. Here are two additional sessions I lead on how managers can give transferrable feedback and a whole staff session on aggressive monitoring practices to drive results in real time during a lesson.

As a previous School Leader, I have experienced creating a priority plan and progress monitor it from start to finish. I can walk you through this five step process! During the progress monitoring phases, our team would love using checklists to drive momentum and teacher development. This would greatly help alignment and growth!

Excellent intervention is something I have experience in teaching and developing others in adopting into their daily teaching practices. Take a look at these exemplars from a prior professional development session I created and lead on reteaching for mastery.